Using GraSPI¶
Reproduce Previous Work¶
This notebook reproduces an analysis from the original GraSPI package. The microstructure is generated by a Cahn-Hilliard simulation. The graph statistics are designed to characterize a photo-voltaic device. The upper boundary is an anode and the bottom boundary is a cathode. The yellow material is donor while the blue material is acceptor.
import pandas
import numpy as np
import dask.array as da
from dask.distributed import Client
from dask_ml.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from dask_ml.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from dask_ml.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.feature_selection import VarianceThreshold
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from toolz.curried import pipe, curry
from pymks import (
data = np.array(pandas.read_csv('data_0.528_3.8_000160.txt', delimiter=' ', header=None)).swapaxes(0, 1)
plot_microstructures(data.swapaxes(0, 1), colorbar=False);
(401, 101)
works with Numpy arrays. The extra dimension is required as PyMKS functions require a sample axis. When using Numpy arrays graph_descriptors
will return an ordinary Pandas dataframe (not Dask).
graph_descriptors(data.reshape((1,) + data.shape))
n_vertices | n_edges | n_phase0 | n_phase1 | n_phase0_connect | n_phase1_connect | n_phase0_connect_top | n_phase1_connect_bottom | w_frac_phase0 | frac_phase0 | ... | inter_frac_bottom_and_top | frac_phase0_top | frac_phase1_bottom | n_inter_paths | n_phase0_inter_top | n_phase1_inter_bottom | frac_phase0_rising | frac_phase1_rising | n_phase0_connect_anode | n_phase1_connect_cathode | |
0 | 40501 | 3698 | 19268 | 21233 | 22 | 5 | 9 | 3 | 0.298392 | 0.475741 | ... | 0.296376 | 0.319545 | 0.979843 | 1096 | 1159 | 3668 | 0.522495 | 0.152944 | 207 | 196 |
1 rows × 22 columns
Generate Microstructures to Test Speed¶
Generate 144 microstructures to test speed with and without Dask
Create 144 sample chunked into 6.
n_sample = 144
n_domain = 101
n_chunks = 24
x_data = (
2 * da.random.random((n_sample, n_domain, n_domain), chunks=(n_chunks, n_domain, n_domain)) - 1
y_data = solve_cahn_hilliard(x_data, delta_t=1.0, n_steps=100, delta_x=0.5).persist()
The graph descriptors function requies data binned into either 0 or 1 phases
y_data_binned = da.where(y_data > 0, 1, 0).persist()
y_data_np = y_data_binned.compute()
On a laptop the Dask version is almost 5 times faster. Note that the graph_descriptors
function returns a Numpy or Dask array based on whether its passed a Numpy array or Dask array. Passing it a Numpy array will force it to work as one process and therefore will be slower.
%time out_pandas = graph_descriptors(y_data_np)
CPU times: user 519 ms, sys: 65.7 ms, total: 585 ms
Wall time: 19 s
%time graph_descriptors(y_data_binned).compute()
CPU times: user 212 ms, sys: 6.21 ms, total: 219 ms
Wall time: 5.16 s
n_vertices | n_edges | n_phase0 | n_phase1 | n_phase0_connect | n_phase1_connect | n_phase0_connect_top | n_phase1_connect_bottom | w_frac_phase0 | frac_phase0 | ... | inter_frac_bottom_and_top | frac_phase0_top | frac_phase1_bottom | n_inter_paths | n_phase0_inter_top | n_phase1_inter_bottom | frac_phase0_rising | frac_phase1_rising | n_phase0_connect_anode | n_phase1_connect_cathode | |
0 | 10201 | 927 | 5039 | 5162 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0.311396 | 0.493971 | ... | 0.437972 | 0.433022 | 1.000000 | 406 | 402 | 931 | 0.454629 | 0.148198 | 69 | 37 |
1 | 10201 | 951 | 5149 | 5052 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0.326425 | 0.504754 | ... | 0.179811 | 0.774325 | 0.480008 | 171 | 688 | 446 | 0.403812 | 0.246186 | 73 | 31 |
2 | 10201 | 907 | 5135 | 5066 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0.305060 | 0.503382 | ... | 0.127894 | 0.109056 | 0.897158 | 116 | 111 | 791 | 0.996429 | 0.049065 | 59 | 41 |
3 | 10201 | 942 | 5019 | 5182 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0.307790 | 0.492011 | ... | 0.695329 | 0.698346 | 1.000000 | 655 | 653 | 950 | 0.276177 | 0.131030 | 51 | 52 |
4 | 10201 | 917 | 5142 | 5059 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 0.317781 | 0.504068 | ... | 0.731734 | 0.957021 | 0.783159 | 671 | 853 | 740 | 0.246698 | 0.220343 | 51 | 55 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
19 | 10201 | 959 | 5006 | 5195 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0.313552 | 0.490736 | ... | 0.259645 | 0.329604 | 0.959769 | 249 | 301 | 921 | 0.329091 | 0.181508 | 48 | 58 |
20 | 10201 | 991 | 5065 | 5136 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 0.309485 | 0.496520 | ... | 0.501514 | 0.505429 | 1.000000 | 497 | 493 | 999 | 0.216016 | 0.125389 | 44 | 56 |
21 | 10201 | 944 | 5161 | 5040 | 2 | 4 | 1 | 2 | 0.317732 | 0.505931 | ... | 0.739407 | 0.920364 | 0.868849 | 698 | 854 | 798 | 0.215579 | 0.356246 | 25 | 78 |
22 | 10201 | 941 | 5178 | 5023 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 0.323143 | 0.507597 | ... | 0.676939 | 0.794515 | 0.942266 | 637 | 735 | 848 | 0.318182 | 0.227763 | 48 | 58 |
23 | 10201 | 961 | 5075 | 5126 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0.305052 | 0.497500 | ... | 0.665973 | 0.637241 | 1.000000 | 640 | 636 | 965 | 0.174397 | 0.062037 | 53 | 45 |
144 rows × 22 columns
out = graph_descriptors(y_data_binned)
from dask.distributed import performance_report
with performance_report(filename="dask-report.html"):
out_pandas = out.compute()
import IPython
Using Pipelines¶
Demonstrate how to use the graph descriptors as part of a machine learning pipeline. The GraphDescriptors
object is a wrapper for the graph_descriptors
function so that it works as part of a Scikit-learn pipeline.
Note that at this point it is a good idea to restart the notebook and only run the import cell and the Client
cell above due to some memory issues.
The following generates 96 x 2 samples each with a different Cahn-Hilliard microstructure. The microstructures differ based on the time of evolution (10 steps versus 100 steps). This is not a particularly great machine learning example, but suffices to demonstrate using GraphDescriptors
as part of a pipeline.
def generate_data(n_category, n_chunks, n_domain, seed=99):
solve_ch = curry(solve_cahn_hilliard)(delta_t=1.0, delta_x=0.5)
x_data = pipe(
da.random.random((n_category * 2, n_domain, n_domain),
chunks=(n_chunks, n_domain, n_domain)),
lambda x: 2 * x - 1,
lambda x: [
solve_ch(x[:n_category], n_steps=10),
solve_ch(x[n_category:], n_steps=100)
lambda x: da.where(x > 0, 1, 0).persist()
y_data = da.from_array(
np.concatenate([np.zeros(n_category), np.ones(n_category)]).astype(int),
return x_data, y_data
n_category = 96
n_chunks = 24
n_domain = 101
x_data, y_data = generate_data(n_category, n_chunks, n_domain)
For demonstration purposes the data is “persisted” in memory meaning that Dask has calculated the memory and stored in chunks on each worker.
The second category is more evolved.
plot_microstructures(x_data[0], x_data[n_category]);
The pipeline for fitting and predicting. The GenericTransformer
allows to wrap simple transformer functions to reshape the data and remove unwanted features. The data needs to be flattened for use with train_test_split
and then reshaped for use with GraphDescriptors
. The MinMaxSclaler
is used to rescale the graph descriptors feature to be between 0 and 1. Finally, LogisticRegression
is used to classify the microstructures.
pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
('reshape', GenericTransformer(lambda x: x.reshape(x.shape[0], n_domain, n_domain))),
('descriptors', GraphDescriptors()),
('normalizer', MinMaxScaler()),
('to_array', GenericTransformer(lambda x: x.to_dask_array(lengths=True))),
('remove_features', GenericTransformer(lambda x: x[:, 1:])),
('decision', LogisticRegression())
requires the x_data
to be shaped as n_sample
x n_features
. A 20% test size is used.
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
x_data.reshape(x_data.shape[0], -1),
Fit the data. There have been some unresolved memory leaks at this stage. As noted above, reset the notebook before running this final section.
# NBVAL_SKIP, y_train);
Make a prediction. y_predict
is lazily evaluated so is an uncomputed Dask array at this stage. compute
needs to be called to execute the prediction.
y_predict = pipeline.predict(x_test)
Seems to be a perfect prediction.
confusion_matrix(y_test.compute(), y_predict.compute())
array([[20, 0],
[ 0, 20]])
The entire prediction graph
[ ]: